~ helping Christian women ~

find hope, peace, & healing

Recognizing Jesus in your situation is often the first step toward growth and change.

Elizabeth Arnold, Therapist

Hi, I’m Beth. I’m a Christ-Centered, Pastoral Counselor and Mental Health Coach dedicated to the unique needs of Christian women. My specializations include: Holistic Health and Wellness, Depression & Anxiety, Crisis & Trauma, Navigating Transitions, Loss & Grief, Narcissistic & Emotional Abuse, Homeschool Intervention, Women Struggling with Faith, Discouraged Moms, and Pastors’ Wives.

I will guide you safely through life’s challenges to a place of deep healing where you learn to embody life-changing truths and implement healthy practices to live from a place of wholeness, completeness, and connection to Christ. Through confidential Christ-centered Integrative Therapy and Biblically-based resources, you’ll discover the beautiful masterpiece God envisioned in you. Rediscover hope, peace, and joy in Christ!


Instant Download

Learn the strategies and practices foundational to the Reimagine Life Adventure. Get equipped with tools for growth, transformation, and healing.

Journey Member

Biblical assistance on the path toward wholeness. Weekly assignments, monthly coaching events, and contemplative prayer practices in community.

Individual Courses

Video training, worksheets, and assignments for those who prefer to go at their own pace. Work your way toward wholeness one course at a time.

Adventure Groups

Join me for weekly sessions to learn and grow in a supportive environment. Healing and growth flourish in an encouraging, accountable, spiritual family.

Premium Package

One-on-one confidential, secure support specialized for your unique situation. Elevate your transformation to the highest level with this elite package.

You are not alone.

  • "I appreciate your patience and walking me through the meditation. I feel like a lot of the anxiety I was feeling has eased. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks!"

    Guidance Clerk

  • "Beth created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to talk about my struggles in life and challenged me to answer difficult questions that have helped me take a deep look at myself and the life I truly want. She provided me tools to overcome my obstacles and habits, and she has guided me in making better decisions that will lead me in the right direction to achieving my goals."

    Homeschool Mom

  • "Before working with Beth I felt seriously stuck. I wasn’t enjoying my job or my relationships, and I was in a really bad place mentally. During coaching with Beth I worked through tough issues, learned valuable skills, and got the support I needed to make changes in my life. As a result, I discovered my purpose and have experienced what it's like to be happy and fulfilled. I’m grateful for Beth's guidance, and recommend her to anyone who needs help changing their life.”

    Newly Published Author/Illustrator

  • "Thank you for meeting with my [adult] daughter. She said it was 'incredibly spiritually uplifting.' Thank you for praying over her. It was such an encouragement. She said you made her think of things she'd never thought of before. You are right where God needs you!"

    Homeschool Administrator

  • "Beth is engaging and spiritually discerning. She uplifts and encourages her clients while providing life saving direction and counsel. You can tell she really has a heart for her clients, and it reflects when you leave her coaching sessions feeling like 10x the person you were before."

    Small Business Owner

Within the Trinity, God exists in perpetual community (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and you have been created in His image. We were never intended to live life isolated and alone. Let today be the day you reach out and REIMAGINE LIFE.